Knowledge base article
Help! I need a backup of my cPanel-hosted website
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This article will walk you through the backup regularity for our shared hosting services and available restoration options
At Serversaurus we take regular full-server backups for all shared Personal, Business and Performance hosting clients: in the event of a catastrophic failure, we can restore all customer sites from a cold state.
Performance and WordPress Management Clients
For Performance and WordPress Management clients, we take regular 4-hourly priority backups of all customer files. In this instance, customers have the ability to restore files back to some point in the past of their choosing. Please refer to our guide on how to Restore files using JetBackup.
Business Shared Hosting
For Business Shared Hosting clients on eligible servers, we take regular (multiple times per day) snapshots of all customer files. In this instance, customers have the ability to restore files back to some point in the past of their choosing. Please refer to our guide on how to Restore files using JetBackup.
Personal and Other Hosting Accounts
For other clients we are not in a position to fulfill requests to restore individual customer data from a certain point in time.
Backups for your own use are your own responsibility. We will not restore data that was lost to user error.
In extremely urgent situations we may be able to make use of our own backups to retrieve lost customer data, keeping in mind:
- There are no guarantees about the recency or consistency of the data we can provide to you
- There is a non-trivial engineer support fee charged for this service
Last updated November 30, 2023